Wednesday, June 16, 2010

30 Days of Gratitude - Days 14, 15, 16

Wow, I sort of fell off the wagon with my blog posts there, folks. I was/am exhausted so felt that I should rest rather than do anything else I felt obligated to do.

I was actually starting to feel like this blog wasn't having an impact but I got some unsolicited feedback from 2 friends and I realize that even though people don't make comments on the blog, doesn't mean they aren't reading and appreciating it. So, thank you. I am grateful for those of you who are reading and appreciating what I am trying to do here.

Looks like I have some catching up to do!! So, here we go...

Over the past 3 days, I, admittedly, haven't been feeling very grateful. Not that I've been ungrateful, I've just felt kind of meh. BUT, there is always something to be grateful for.

I think what the last 3 days has taught me is that people DO care about me. I think I'm difficult to "love" ,sometimes, in that I have a very independent nature and don't ask for support or help very often. So, I am really grateful for those of you in my life that reach out when you know something isn't quite right with me. THANK YOU.

I am also really grateful for MUSIC. We have all experienced that moment when the most appropriate song finds us, whether we are going through a loss or challenge, or deeply in love, or excited, or sad. I spend so much time in my car, mostly alone, and this week the most appropriate songs reached through my stereo and found me. The 3 songs that made the biggest impact on me, or reminded me of my values and who I am are;

"Seek Up" - Dave Matthews Band " seek up an emotion and our cup is overflowing...." (more)
"Step Inside this House" - Lyle Lovett "....It's funny how I loved that book, and I never loved that girl...." (more)
"I've Been This Way Before" - Neil Diamond. "....some people never see the light until the day they die..." (more)

They all resonate for different reasons. All 3 have been on repeat this week. I encourage you to read the lyrics or listen to them. They are all beautiful songs; each with a great message.

One day I'd like to sit down and start to compile the "Soundtrack to my life". It would be a huge project. Maybe it should be on my bucket list....

I am also grateful for CHILDREN, specifically their authenticity. I am so fortunate to volunteer at a school with an emphasis on the development of special needs children. (There are also typical children in attendance at this wonderful school) As the school year draws to a close, the children are enjoying special "theme" days. Today was sports day, but because it was so miserable outside, we all needed to be flexible. All of the kindergarten classes were transformed into "stations" and the children were able to move freely around the rooms and explore the different opportunities. I was in the music room. We had bongo drums, bells, triangles, rubbing sticks....the whole nine yards really. It was wonderful to watch them "dance like no one is watching". Total authenticity. We ( the adults) couldn't help but follow their lead. At one point, a sweet little boy had a plastic hammer and was beating it against the bongo drums. He accidentally hit me in the chin with the hammer. He looked at me and said "I'm sorry" and then took the palm of his hand and caressed my whole face until he knew that I was okay. It was the sweetest thing I'd seen in a long time. You cannot teach that kind of authentic compassion. But you can unteach it. Let's agree not to do that to our children.



  1. Love the part about the little guy stroking your whole face.. So true. Kids are so innocent and genuine, until society programs them not to be. I don't know if I ever told you what Noah said when they told him that Kayla has DS... (and I get totally teary every time I think of it).. He said - at the age of 9 - "Oh..Well we get to love her so much more!" Awesome. Thanks for your blog Lana!

  2. spontaneous tears. Reminder to walk away from this computer and watch my little girl singing her heart out to The Beatles Rock Band.
    Thanks Lana. See? you help when you least expect it. ;-)
