I just got home from Safeway. I would have written this first, but I had to enjoy 2 pieces of banana cream pie....
I stopped at Safeway to pick up some small items; 2 jars of pickled jalapenos, a loaf of bread, a Pre-cooked chicken, 4 "healthy" boathouse juices and an (impulse item) banana cream pie. Most of the check-outs were busy, so I went to til #4, because it had no one in line. The cashier was very pleasant, and we laughed when I apologized for my items by saying "Not a very congruent mix here, with the pie and all". She responded by saying "I always eat the pie first...life is short." She won me over right there and then.
As she was checking my items, she looked at my wrist and remarked as to how much she liked my bracelet. Always wanting to promote my friends, I told her that I bought the bracelet at my friend Kim's store. I proceeded to tell her that Kim, who is tall and gorgeous, empowers women by making them feel beautiful the moment they walk into her store. I always feel amazing and beautiful when I am in Kim's presence, even though she is an absolute "show stopper". It's because she feels confident in her beauty as a woman and does not feel her beauty is diminished by giving another woman power in theirs.
The cashier whispered to me " Between you and me, I'd love to open my own store. It's always been a dream of mine, but you know....money." I noticed how alive her eyes were when she was talking about her dream. I was pretty remarkable. I responded by saying "I understand where you are coming from, but if you "feel" it, do it!" She said "My daughter has 2 years left of school and then maybe I'll do it then". I said "FOR SURE you'll do it then!" Then she said something that broke my heart...."Between you and me, I don't want to tell anyone about my dream because if it didn't happen I'd feel stupid".
I put my debit card back in my wallet, and then I looked her in the eyes and said "Do it. I'd shop at your store." She laughed and said "Aw, thanks hon, maybe some day!"
This is the same woman who encouraged me to "eat the pie first, because life is short", standing there telling me that she is afraid to tell people about her dream because she doesn't want to look stupid if it doesn't happen.....
That's because she hasn't actually decided to follow her dreams.
Let me tell you this...once you make a decision, you have no choice but for your decision to become reality.
Once you make a decision, you let the universe aware of your intentions and you create the reality of it.
Making the decision is often the biggest part of making the dream come true.
Eat the pie first folks, life is short.
Make a decision.
*this event in my life today was HUGE. I made a decision about 2 months ago about a business that will affect many women's lives. Meeting this cashier today only provided me even more fuel to follow my dream. I can't wait to go and find her once my dream becomes a reality. I am going to help her make hers a reality too. Stay tuned......